Time remaining:
Venue: Commonwealth Park, Canberra , ACT
Date: Tue 8 - Wed 9 Oct 2024 - 2 Day Course
Don't miss it. Afterpay it.

Availability & type of seating will vary & is set by the venue.
Complete the Accessible Seating Form and we will contact you to process your booking here

Adult Classes only. This is an in depth 2 day course. Suitable for beginners or experienced painters. Participants should leave with a completed still life oil painting and the skills to build on their artistic practice. Canvas/panels will be supplied. Participants should bring your usual supplies making sure you have something close to what is listed below. If you are a complete beginner this is the minimum you will need to get good results. Brushes - 1-2 each of small, medium, and large brushes.
Paints - Reds:
● Transparent Red Oxide (or another neutral like raw umber, burnt sienna)
● Cadmium Red
● Quinacridone Violet

● Cadmium Yellow (or Cadmium Yellow Light)
● Indian Yellow

● Ultramarine Blue
● Phthalo Blue

● Titanium White
1 x tube of Gamblin Solvent Free Gel
Or you can use a separate (small) container of solvent as a medium. 1 x Palette
1 x Metal Palette Knife (tear drop shaped)
Rags or Paper Towel
1 x Apron or smock
An old pizza box is useful for transporting wet paintings home in the car

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Please comply with any stated ticket limit for this event. If you exceed the ticket limit, Ticketek may at its discretion cancel any or all of your ticket orders and tickets without notice.

This includes ticket orders associated by the same name, email address, billing address/delivery address, credit card number or any other details provided to Ticketek.

Presented by: Floriade Australia

Please Note: This is an in depth, two day workshop that will run over Tuesday 8 October and Wednesday 9 October, 2024. Please ensure you read the Important Event Information before purchasing your tickets.

Join artist, Natasha Ruschka, for a fun and creative two days learning the secrets to painting loose and colourful floral still lifes! Natasha will demonstrate a repeatable painting process that will help your painting practice and your development as an artist. This workshop is suitable for all levels from beginners looking for a place to start to more established artists who want to learn how to loosen up their style.
You will learn colour essentials, simplifying with value and expressive brushwork through a repeatable process for alla prima painting.
Natasha will demonstrate all stages and students will have an opportunity to work on some quick exercises as well as paint their own finished piece. Natasha encourages a fun and relaxed environment for learning at every level where all art styles and skill levels are welcome.

Natasha is a colourful oil painter in based in Canberra. Light filled scenes are the inspiration for most of her pieces as she likes to recreate its atmospheric effects in her paintings of still life, flowers, and landscapes. Her art is centred around painting as a practice from life and photographs, regularly painting plein air as well as setting up studio compositions.
Her other passion is teaching where she loves to help students develop their own creative expression and overcome the fear that is often a hurdle in taking the first step into a new creative passion.
She is a regular finalist in state and national competitions with national and international collectors.

Tue 8 – Wed 9 Sep 2024
Commonwealth Park, ACT

Times are approx. and subject to change at any time.
