Sweeney Preston & Ethan Cavanagh tickets | Brisbane Powerhouse | Ticketek Australia
Time remaining6:52
Venue: Brisbane Powerhouse, New Farm, QLD

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Suitable ages 18+
12 months and under free on the knee; all other ages must hold a valid ticket
Concessions Entitled: Companion
Warning: Adult Themes, Coarse Language, Sexual References
There is a full lockout for this performance and latecomers will not be permitted.

Group Bookings:
6 or more people - Contact the Box Office! Phone (07) 3358 8600

View Venue Information on the Brisbane Powerhouse

Make a Donation to the Brisbane Powerhouse Foundation during your transaction

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Presented by: Sweeney Preston & Ethan Cavanagh

Winner Best Eat & Drink Award 2024 Adelaide Fringe
Winner Best Comedy Weekly Award 2024 Perth FRINGE WORLD

In an experience that could only be described as goon bag in quantity, champagne in quality, comedians Sweeney Preston & Ethan Cavanagh will be joined by a wine expert as they guide you through five wines and at least five jokes.

Fresh from a smash-hit run in New York, a sell-out season at the Edinburgh Fringe and multiple Australia-wide tours, this masterclass in mischief is finally making its Queensland debut.

Everyone from worldly wine wankers to clueless chardonnay chuggers will find something to make their glass half full, as all the wine industry’s most hard-hitting questions are answered:

How far should I extend my pinky when sipping? What the f#%k is a tannin? And who’s parked in the clearway out front, you’re about to be towed?

Tickets include five wine tastings.

Thu 22 - Sun 25 May 2025
Pleasuredome, Brisbane Powerhouse, Brisbane, QLD

Times are approx. and subject to change at any time.

Box Office: Mon-Sun 9-5, 60 minutes prior to performance times
Doors Open: 15 minutes prior to performance start
Running Time: 90 minutes