Tragom Olivera tickets | Regal Theatre | Ticketek Australia
Time remaining9:52
Venue: Regal Theatre, Subiaco, WA
Date: Sun 01 Jun 2025 8:00PM

On Sale Soon:
Wed 19 Mar 2025 10:00AM  (AWST)

Wed 19 Mar, 10am - Thu 20 Mar, 10am* (Local Time)


A pre-sale is an opportunity to secure tickets prior to the public, not a preferential service. *Or until pre-sale allocation is sold out.

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Regal Theatre
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Presented by: Face to Face Touring

A concert spectacular, TRAGOM OLIVERA, a tribute to Oliver Dragojević, Croatia’s most enduring musicals stars and cultural icons with a career spanning over five decades. Due to his enormous popularity and his impact on Dalmatian music his is regarded as the “Greatest musician of Croatian history”.

Good friends of the one and only legendary Oliver, his beloved band Dupini, Petar Dragojević, Tedi Spalato, Goran Karan and Zorica Kondža, will pay tribute to the Dalmatian musician who left behind a rich musical treasure of songs.

“We want to preserve forever the beautiful musical heritage that Oliver left”

Although Oliver’s voice and no one can replace him, we are extremely honoured to present TRAGOM OLIVERA to his Australian fans.

Trag u beskraju

Sat 1 Jun 2025
Regal Theatre, Subiaco, WA

Times are approx. and subject to change at any time.

Box Office Open: 2 hours prior
Show Starts: 7:00pm
Approx Finish: 9:30pm